Privacy Policy

The following Privacy Policy outlines how your personal information is collected, used, and shared by JM Studio LLC when you visit or make a purchase / subscription from our products, from now on referred to as the “Site”.

Please read our privacy policy carefully so that you can clearly understand how we collect, use, and protect your personally identifiable information in accordance with our Site.
What Information Do We Collect
We may collect personally identifiable information about you, such as your full name, phone number, and or email address when you sign up for our newsletters, email campaigns, or create an account with us. If you purchase a product or service from us, we will also collect your payment information, including you billing and shipping addresses.
Why Do We Need Your Information
When you purchase a product and or service from JM Studio LLC, we use your data to check your financial qualifications and to fulfill your order. We also use the data we collect to offer you the best experience with the products and services that we offer, including personalizing and improving your experience. We may also use this data to communicate with you, for example, to let you know about our occasional promotions, new products, and other updates.

JM Studio LLC does not keep your credit card information. It is only used to process your payment at the time of purchase.

  • How Do We Use Your Information

  • Product and Service Transactions

  • Customer Support

  • Product Improvement

  • Website Improvements

  • Security, Safety, and Dispute Resolution

  • Communications and Marketing

  • Do We Use Cookies

Yes, we use cookies and similar technologies when you visit our Site to improve your user experience and to enable our storefront to function properly. By visiting our Site, you agree to the use of cookies and similar technologies for the purposes described in our privacy statement. You can always change your browser settings to not accept cookies and similar technologies if this concerns you, however full functionality may be limited.
Your Data and Third Parties
We do not and will never sell or trade your data to third parties.

To provide visitors of our Site increased value, we may link you to other sites operated by third parties. Even if the third party is affiliated with JM Studio LLC, JM Studio LLC has no control over the privacy and data collection practices of these third party sites. These linked sites are only for your convenience. Access them at your own risk, and review their own privacy policies accordingly.
Opting Out of Sharing Your Information
You can opt out of sharing your information with us at any time. Simply email us at asking for your data to be deleted.
How Long Do We Keep Your Information
JM Studio LLC keeps your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill your order, or for other essential purposes such as to comply with legal obligations, to resolve disputes, and to enforce our agreements. Retention periods can vary due to varying data types used for different types of products or services.
How Do We Store Your Information
JM Studio LLC is committed to protecting the security of your personal data. We use a variety of security procedures to help keep your personal data secure from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. We store the personal data you provide on our computer systems that have limited access and are controlled by password access. We also only transmit data over the Internet protected by encryption.
Protecting Children
JM Studio LLC does not target children and we do not intentionally solicit personal information from them. Although visitors of all ages may navigate through our Site, no information should be submitted by visitors under the age of 18 years without the consent of their parent or guardian.
California Residents
The California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA) is a state regulation requiring commercial websites to have a clearly visible online privacy policy. According to CalOPPA, JM Studio LLC agrees that users can visit our Site anonymously. Users that seek to view our privacy policy can find it by clicking on the ‘Privacy’ link in the footer at the bottom of our Site.
Privacy Policy Link
You can return to this privacy policy by clicking on the ‘Privacy’ link in the footer at the bottom of our Site. You will be notified of any changes to our privacy policy. You can also update your personal information by sending us an email.
Contact Us About Our Privacy Policy
If you have any other questions about how we use your personal information, or would like to update your personal information, feel free to email us at